Looking back - Going forward

‘We Pledge Allegiance’ was a celebration-exhibition by artists for Barbados’ 50th Anniversary of Independence (2016). It was hosted by The Elcock Family at their Manor Lodge complex. With over 80 artists and 350 works it was a coming together of institutions and individuals to the level where the production seems to provide a framework for a National Art Gallery. It was epic!
One of the outcomes was for the energy of this venture be carried on. From this, Artists Alliance Barbados® was formed and incorporated in May 2019 as a not-for-profit organization.
During our short time, we have indeed punched above our weight. In the last three years we have curated 30 shows. This has been possible only through the commitment of the artists, the support of numerous groups and organisations and a dedicated core team. We are extremely grateful to all of you.
Although our past is relatively short, we still see it as imperative to look back to go forward; to build on our experiences, to learn from our mistakes and to celebrate our triumphs. This present exhibition seeks to reaffirm ‘the pledge’ made in 2016 and is conceptualized as our ‘Vision Board’ for 2020. We are displaying ‘peeks’ into ours shows and ideas for this year and the future for buy-in by you, our artists and supporters.
We are also pleased to be able to launch our website, where our past three years has been detailed as well. www.artistsalliancebarbados.org is another project born out of commitment, dedication and hard work. We are extremely thankful to all who were part of this project.
The Embassy of Argentina, by hosting this event, reaffirms its commitment to artists and Artists Alliance Barbados. Norman Centre continues to host us into year-three and our Pop-Up hosts, Grove Gallery and St. George Parish Church, have confirmed their commitments to providing a platform for artists to show again this year. We are thankful for the continued relationship and look forward to building more relationships with other businesses and institutions.
Artists, the true foundation Artists Alliance Barbados, have also reaffirmed their pledge to be part of the many opportunities that come our way. We do great things because we work with great artists. Make your project suggestions to keep our Ideas Bank full. Sign-up early to those projects that interest you. If there is something that you always wanted to work on but need support, again, share with us.
Every exhibition starts with an idea, followed by discussion, refinement and then execution. As with nature not all seeds planted grow to bear their own fruit, but you have to at least plant the seed if you want the fruit.
We look forward to working and growing with you in Art, Peace and Prosperity.
Oneka Small | Curator