Artists Alliance Barbados is extremely excited to be partnering with the Argentine Embassy in Barbados to curate a very timely exhibition around the idea of colonisation, decolonisation, neo-colonialism, sovereignty and the right to self-determination within a world order, conflict and resolution.
The impetus for this show is the mandate of the Argentine government to annually acknowledge the dispute is the Islas Malvinas ( Falkland Islands) as they seek to find resolution to a dispute started in 1833 when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland unlawful occupied of the islands on January 3rd 1833.
Artists have explored the many themes stemming from this dispute in light of our own colonial history and as we take further steps towards decolonisation. On November 30th 2021 Barbados will become a Republic. The Queen of England will no longer be the head of state for Barbados. We are taking a major step towards decolonisation within our governance models. There are many discussions around this reality.
It is of great interest that the decolonization process was advanced by the UN Charter on 14 December 1960, where the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 1514 (XV) "Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples”, which proclaimed "the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations”
The concept of forms and manifestations of colonialism is truly an engaging topic especially seeing we are an island steeped in our colonial history. Just like the people in the Malvinas islands we speak English part of the legacy of colonial. We continue to live our colonial heritage in many ways.
This exhibition give artists the opportunity to reflect on some of the following issues
Colonisation / Decolonisation / Neo Colonialism
Independence within a One world culture
The change to a Republic
Conflict and Resolution
Overcoming the trauma of colonialism – eg Black Lives Matter,
The educational system,
economic disparity
Afrocentrism and the forming of identity
The land and landscape
Diversification of the economy
Important Dates and Deadlines
Artists Alliance Barbados is extremely excited to be partnering with the Argentine Embassy in Barbados to curate a very timely exhibition around the idea of colonisation, decolonisation, neo-colonialism, sovereignty and the right to self-determination within a world order, conflict and resolution.
The impetus for this show is the mandate of the Argentine government to annually acknowledge the dispute is the Islas Malvinas ( Falkland Islands) as they seek to find resolution to a dispute started in 1833 when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland unlawful occupied of the islands on January 3rd 1833.
Please see attached Background info from the Argentine Embassy.
We are inviting Artists to explore some of the many themes stemming from this dispute in light of our own colonial history and as we take further steps towards decolonisation. On November 30th 2021 Barbados will become a Republic. The Queen of England will no longer be the head of state for Barbados. We are taking a major step towards decolonisation within our governance models. There are many discussions around this reality.
It is of great interest that the decolonization process was advanced by the UN Charter on 14 December 1960, where the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 1514 (XV) "Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples”, which proclaimed "the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations”
The concept of forms and manifestations of colonialism is truly an engaging topic especially seeing we are an island steeped in our colonial history. Just like the people in the Malvinas islands we speak English part of the legacy of colonial. We continue to live our colonial heritage in many ways.
This exhibition give artists the opportunity to reflect on some of the following issues
Colonisation / Decolonisation / Neo Colonialism
Independence within a One world culture
The change to a Republic
Conflict and Resolution
Overcoming the trauma of colonialism – eg Black Lives Matter,
The educational system,
economic disparity
Afrocentrism and the forming of identity
The land and landscape
Diversification of the economy
Important Dates and Deadlines
Dissemination of the Call Monday October 18th
Discussion on the Malvinas Islands- Angel Delamazzo Monday October 25th
Artists Registration opens Wed November 17th
Registration Closes Friday November 19th
Work selected Mon Nov 22nd – Tue 23rd
Delivery Wed November 24th
Installation of exhibition Thurs 25th – Friday 26th
Opening of exhibition Saturday 27th November