Produced by Alan Springer

Alan Springer
On March 17 th 2020 Barbados registered its first two cases of Covid-19 viral pandemic. As an island and a people, we were thrust fully into the fear, panic and protocols sweeping the world. For creative and film maker Alan Springer, it was important to video document the Covid experiences of people living in Barbados. He strongly believes “the content will add to the global drive to document the Covid-19 experience and will be a vital cog in the wheel when we come to archive our own experience in Barbados; and that it is an opportunity for persons to share their experience from which we can all learn. We will all benefit from the sharing of knowledge both in terms of the subject matter of the content and in terms of the formal considerations in the creative space.”
He was supported in his efforts with a Covid-19 Grant from the National Cultural Foundation of Barbados.
12 Interviewees
Amanda Trought - Visual Artist
Christian Paul Gibson - Dance and Film Student
Frank and Karlene Cossey - Creative Artists Entrepreneurs
Gail Carter - Teacher and Education Trainer
James Jolly - Personal Trainer, Health and Wellness Professional
Paul Gibson - Businessman and Health Professional
Paul Leacock - Pastor
Randy Harris – President, Barbados Football Association
Scott Kinder - Guest House Proprietor
Steve Trottman - Musician
Trisha Young Hinds - Restaurant and Bar Owner
Each video captures the individual’s experience. Even though a diversity of persons were
interviewed there is a common thread of disruption, major change, and readjustment.

Covid Diaries- a Front House Production with funding from the NCF
Artist Alliance Barbados is pleased to host this virtual photo exhibition which documents the making of ‘Covid Diaries’